I heard about this site years ago and used to see little cheap flyers, which were more like pieces of plain cheap paper with BlackStripClubs.net printed on them, scattered around various strip clubs on the east coast of the U.S. It made me think the site was based in eastern U.S. The site has now emerged after a long absence. WHO.IS and similar searches don't reveal anything about who or what entity owns BlackStripClubs.net.
This site seems like a good gimmick, and even a place to promote events and other adult services in the black community. It is like a Craigslist for us in the adult entertainment industry. I'm seeing more users now than a couple months ago. I'm just curious about who is behind it. I heard a rumor that it was a guy, or a few guys, located somewhere in the U.S. or world, running the site from their laptops as they sip drinks on the beach. Lol.
Who owns this site?
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:46 am
- Has thanked: 1 time
Re: Who owns this site?
We will never know who owns this site, like many other web forums. Whoever it is, this site was a great idea for the hip-hop strip club lovers. I heard the admin is a bit of a cyber pimp elsewhere in cyberspace, involved in apps and websites for escorts (a.k.a. hookers).
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2022 2:20 pm
Re: Who owns this site?
I think it is some guys out of Atlanta. I've seen them wearing t-shirts with BlackStripClubs.net printed on them. Not a bad idea really. I will tell my girls about this site on social media and try to get more users. This is a good place to discuss the market of black strip clubs, and advertise other things.
Re: Who owns this site?
I've seen this site advertised/spammed on a few other sites before. lol. I didn't join at first but now I realize that this site is legit and can be pretty useful. I would like to see more people join and post more reviews, advertisements, discussions, and such. I have no idea who the owner is, like most forums, but I'm sure he is a fan of big ass strippers. Maybe he will reveal himself one day.

- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:32 am
Re: Who owns this site?
I met the owners. They are a couple of businessmen who also own the buildings that some strip clubs in philly lease from. The own some apartment buildings in the philly area too. This website is just one of a few websites in their portfolio.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2021 1:42 pm
Re: Who owns this site?
I guess this site is kinda like stripperweb.com, but focused more on the black strippers and strip clubs. Nobody will ever know who owns it, but I hope more people join here to make this a good resource. Not many people on here yet but if this site gets popular I think it will be good. I have yet to see any other good sites about black strip clubs. Shout out to the owner/admin, whoever he or she is.
Re: Who owns this site?
I've seen someone with the username of this site on Worldstarhiphop.com posting comments. lol